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Vector Art

Vector designing is a vast field. We can categorize it in different sections there are various uses of vector arts in different professional fields, example we use vector art for screen printing, silk screening, process printing, engraving services, laser cutting, rubber stamp, seals, foil labels and much more. Vectorization is the art of converting any pixel image into vector format.

Is it Art or Design?

It’s both, Vectors can be used purely to create digital art and illustration, as well as for design projects like logos, posters, advertisements, etc.


Where We Can Use Vector Graphics

As far as the usage of vector arts concerned there are unlimited use of vector arts at present when it comes to graphics designing. Some of the vector arts usages are as follow:


Illustration has become very in demand profession. In illustration an artists portray a design or idea through line artwork. Illustration is used for editorial content (print and online), social media, UX/UI design and much more.

Website Designing

Vector art is used for many elements that go into the design of a website, including icons, logos, illustrations, and layout. You’ll need to know how to create vector graphics as a website graphic designer or as a UI designer.

Poster Design

Vector artists used vector for creating unique Poster Designs. Poster design can be used for art and decor, film, and marketing.

Logo Design

When it comes to Logo Designing graphics artis become dependent of vector art because brand and companies ask new ideas and unique concepts that cannot be made of just copy and past or only text. The creative graphics designer having had the complete knowledge about brand or organization make a concept and then turn it into vector visualizations.

Billboard design

Just Like posters and logos, vector designs are perfect for billboards as these are printed at an enormous scale. The graphics artists keep the size and resolutions in mind while making billboards and they have to recreate designs with the help of vector arts where they see objects have not consists sharp pixels and it is all about the pixel sharpness and resolution. The more sharpened the pictures the better the result would be.

Video games

Video game designers use all kinds of software. It is a highly complex form of design. The critical component of the artwork is generated using vector art. This type of vector art is especially popular lately with the growing popularity of video games and virtual reality.


Vector formats are good for projects that require resizing graphics, including resize type and text. For instance, a Company brand and logos displayed at different sizes; they show up in the corner of a mobile application or on a roadside billboard. A logo created with vector graphics can be scaled up or down without losing quality or creating a large file.


Animated images are also usually created as vector files, which provide for cleaner and smoother images.

Computer-aided design (CAD).

CAD programs frequently use vector files for manufacturing, engineering and design because of their scalability and ease when it comes to editing the mathematical formulas.

Single Line Complex Vector

Single line vector is quite different from others vector art conversion and little more time taking. While converting image into single line the artist draws a line in the middle of each letter and shape to get desire result. An artist keeps in his mind what are maximum possibilities to convert image into single line. It is specially used for embossing designs on Foil, rubber stamp and seals and laser cutting. We have special artists for single line designs who can provide you mind-blowing quality for embossers.

Vector vs. raster

A Raster graphics are made up of a fixed number of pixels, which makes them less scalable than vector graphics. At a certain point, when the raster image is enlarged enough, the edges become ragged, and it appears pixelated — i.e., when the pixels become visible. Raster graphics cannot be scaled up without sacrificing image quality.

Visuallizer have highly creative mind vector artist team who can work without any software limitations. They are in this field for years and understand the need of clarity.

We have trained them to accept challenges eighter raster image is not clear or it is slant they will use their own artistic ideas.

Conceptual Logos

Create a new logo or revise the older one is required a profound thinking process so that the organizations have the desire result of its logos as symbol. You can always easily recognize a brand or a company with its unique logo when it comes into your sight this is one of the great advantages of company logo. Whenever you see any product inside the mart or billboard having seen the logo over itthat company name come into your mind. A thoughtful design process is the key to developing an effective and creative logo.Logos explain who you are, what you do and how your brand feels—all in just an instant. Colors, shapes, typography and other design elements all influence how your audience experiences your brand. When you do it right, customers fall in love with you at first sight.

What’s the role of a logo?

The main motive of a logo is to identify.

To begin with new company logo there must be clear understanding what makes a logo successful. In order for a logo to be a good brand ambassador, it must followa few trusted principles.

Following are the five salient features of good logo that provide companies and products a unique identity and form long lasting audience connections.


If you was to look at the logos of the top 100 most successful firms in the world, you will see that they all have logos that are simple. There’s a few exceptions, but most use just one or two colors, as well as simple shapes and forms.Also, if you look at the before and after comparison of companies that have redesigned their brand logos over the years, you’ll see that in every single scenario, the logos have become more simplified and refined over time.


There are millions of brands in the world that have been fighting for your attention. Branding is the only thing that helps us separate one from the other. Branding helps you to know which to trust. And it’s the identity that’s designed for those brands that allows us to identify the one we want to buy, and the logo is a key part of that. In order to separate and identify one company from another, the design needs to be distinct. It needs to be immediately recognizable, and not look like anything else in the landscape it’s seen in. A good logo should be distinctive enough to be memorable.


We’ve just discussed differentiation, and whilst it’s important to be different, you don’t want to take things too far to the point that you’re too different. You need to make sure the logo you create sits comfortably in the field or niche it operates in.

There must be an expected aesthetic that we all expect to see in each industry… designing something too different from that would be confusing. So, whilst you want the logo to look different. You don’t want it to look too different.


Another important characteristic of a successful logo is scalability, and I feel this is one of the most important on the list.

We live in a world where the logo you create will be seen in places such as social media and favicons where the logo will be very small.

That same logo will also be seen on the side of a vehicle, storefronts or buildings. So the logo design that you create will need to work just as effectively at 8 millimeters, as it does at 8 meters.

Logos that scale well are those that are simple, which is a characteristic that we’ve already discussed.

So when you’re designing your logo, make sure to zoom in and out, to ensure your logo is legible at smaller sizes. It’s also good practice to test your logo on mockups, to ensure it works effectively in real life small applications too, and is still legible and recognizable from a distance.


The best logos are timeless and survive changing trends.Following trends may work for a year or two, but soon enough the glossy web 2.0 and generic swoosh characters will look old-fashioned and be a sign of their time. A good logo, on the other hand, will pass the test of time, looking as good and being as effective as the day it was designed.

We can take your business to the next level

At visuallizer we have separate team of creative logo makers who are well equipped with research knowledge, critical thinking process and sketching. They can innovate unique ideas according to your brand or organization.They can turn your thoughts into reality indeed.

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