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Virtual Staging

Virtual staging means to add furniture and decor to a photo of property for the purpose of making it enchanted and eye catching so that it looks attractive. The photos of virtual staging make it comfortable for home buyers to see the complete space of a room or home.Virtual staging is a term used to edit and optimize real state listing photos. A virtual staging service can mean staging an empty room or vacant house, but it can also mean:

To Remove existing item and adding new furniture.
To Change interior wall, trim or door color.
To change flooring.
To change ceiling.
To change exterior wall, trim or door color.
To change landscaping.
To enhance photos lighting and orientation.

Virtual staging shows buyers the potential of any space, which can change a buyer’s view of the entire property. Having used virtually staged photo vacant house looks completely realistic and makes the space look more modern and appealing.

Frequently ask questions about Virtual Staging

Although people have knowledge about virtual staging but still It is now as much familiar as it should be, here are some questions that is frequently asked by prospects.

Does Virtual Staged Images Look Natural?

Yes, certainly contemporary computer software has become so advance that we can answer this. Plus, our interior designers are experts at what they do, so photos that have been staged virtually are so realistic that you can’t even tell the difference.

What Does Potential Buyer Think?

We strongly recommend that you include both empty and virtually staged photos in your property listing, as well as a disclaimer about the use of virtual staging. This prevents agents and buyers from feeling like something was misleading.

Is There Any Need of Photographer While Taking Photograph of Property?

The answer is no need all you need to do is take right directional and proportional image with high quality camera.

Advantages Of Virtual Staging


Cost Effective:

The cost of virtual staging is quite literally a small fraction of the cost of traditionally staging a home.

Flexible and Convenient:

You don’t have to move every item on entire property to complete virtual staging. With traditional home staging, the process of taking furniture out and bringing new waist massive time.

Unlimited Design options:

Traditional home staging furniture is dependent on your staging company’s available inventory and expertise. With virtual staging, we can use any piece of furniture online.

Image Editing

Image editing is considered a creative, artistic act. Image editing is done for removing unwanted elements such as dust specks and scratches, adjusting the geometry of the image like rotating and cropping, correcting for lens aberrations, sharpening or softening the image, making color changes or adding special effects to the image. Often the tasks involved in image editing are repetitive and need intense processing. Manual image editing done on traditional analog photographs requires a high level of expertise and attention to detail. Image editing software applications are also available for editing images. Unlike other conventional methods, these tools provide advanced image editing operations like data compression, photo organization and selection of image properties.

In digital image processing, image editing is basically categorized into pixel editing and parametric image editing. Pixel editing focuses on altering the image by working at the pixel level. Parametric image editing, on other hand, focuses on changing the appearance of the image without altering the original image.

Image editing is the process of manipulating or altering an image whether theydigital photographs, traditional photo -chemical photographs. Traditionally image editing is known as photo retouching to modify it.Raster images are stored in computer in the form of a grid of picture elements also called pixels. These pixels contain the image’s color and brightness information. An expert graphics artist knows better how to they can change the pixels so that image looks awesome.

We all have had some images that are so unique and memorable that we don’t want to lose it.It is the blessing of today graphics software that you can renew of your vintage images and preserved it. If you have a perfect image from all aspects but due to negligence your eyes are closed or have some other errors do not worry, we have expert’s graphics artists who can alter your error as if it was not existed.

We are living in Information Technology era where most of our living aspects has become digital. In today’s digital competitive marketplace, the role of digital photographs is extremely crucial from a marketing viewpoint for any business. Properly edited photographs and images represent the brand and convey a businesses’ message in the best possible manner.

Advantages of Image Editing for Businesses

With the increasing usage of social media networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, photos have become universal marketing language. There are numerous features of image editing some are asfollows:

Brand Building

Images are extremely important in order to build your brand. Businesses can focus on a particular style of editing, like focusing on saturation of particular colors, cropping pattern, nature of images, subjects used, focusing patterns.

Promoting Sales

One of the key elements of photo editing is to preserve the overall quality of images. Businesses do not want mediocre images to represent their products or services. High resolution images take attention instantly and grab potential clients to business.

Build Respectability and Credibility

Large number of people find it easier having seen the company websites eighter It is using genuine images or stock one.

Social Media Marketing

High resolution images play a crucial role in social media marketing. The more images relevant and according to the theme the more company achieved potential customers.

Multiple Usage

Only with the help of professional photo editing you can customize your images and use them on multiple platforms.

There are many benefits associated with image editing. It enhances the original images in accordance with the user’s requirements. They can bring more color and life to the image. It helps in bringing the best possible image in the interests of the viewers.

Forms & Certificate

At distant Past people only had oral communication. If they had some stories to tell, they meet to another person to tell that story to others, who each did the same until everyone had heard that story. Then people began to write down their news in picture form and then in crude languages where symbols stood for words and letters. It took the inventions of paper and the printing press for print media to come into regular use. Once it did, there was no turning back.

Simply stated, print media is the printed version of telling the news, primarily through newspapers and magazines. Before the invention and widespread use of printing presses, printed materials had to be written by hand. It was a time taking process that made mass distribution impossible.

We Offer:

Velcro Patches
Iron On Patches
Sew on Patches
Chenille Patches

Visualization on The Paper


Branding your business is essential for recognition, credibility and professionalism. Everything, from websites to flyers to business cards should feature your company branding and so should your company letterheads. Printed letterheads are an essential business material and should be used to head all letters, invoices and professional correspondence. While it may seem simple, designing a letterhead that accurately represents your business requires certain factors.

  1. Keep it simple
    Letterhead design should be clear and simple, so don’t over complicate it with useless details or images. Your company logo, and a touch of your company colors are enough to show your branding.

Size and Positioning

The size of your design is important, as you need to consider how it’ll look when printed onto various paper sizes. Your creative graphic design needs to stand out and frame the page, while not being over the top or taking up unnecessary space.

Consider a watermark

A watermark is a great way to incorporate more of your imagery or colors, without losing valuable writing space. Watermarks are a faded version of a logo or image that is blended neatly into the background. The faded effect means that writing or printing will show just as clearly over the design,


Print in high quality

Your letterhead will always look better when printed in a high quality. Letter Head printing should be of a high standard and so should the paper it’s printed on:

Business Card

There are many tools you need when you start your business. One of the first things you should get is a business card. These small cards show you are a credible and real business and that you should be taken seriously as an entrepreneur. A good business card should have all your important details about your company. An email, website and contact details are a must on the card. You also need to place the name of the company and any tag line along with the logo of your business on the front. You need to get the card in a bright color to help it stand out from other companies’ business cards.

Best way of networking at trade shows and events

You never know who you might meet at a trade show or event. It’s so important for a small business to go to these events in the sector. It shows they are a credible business and helps you to find out more about your competition. It also offers a good opportunity to meet potential clients. You might end up speaking to someone who will benefit from using your company’s services. While you can tell them to look up your company or contact you, it’s a better idea to give them a business card. That way, they have your details in front of them, so they remember you when they get home after the event. They can then check out your website and arrange a meeting with you. You don’t want them to go home and have no idea who they were talking to.


Costly Effective

When you are first starting out, it is tricky to pay out for marketing and advertising for your company. After all, ad campaigns, brochures and TV adverts are expensive. But advertising and marketing are so important to help build brand awareness. After all, you can’t expect customers to come to you if they have not heard of your business. So, you need to look into cheap forms of advertising for your company.

We can take your business to the next level

We Visuallizer offers much more than just print on paper. Our highly skilled creators give the right solution of your project. We understand the need of modern printing technique, this is reason we never compromise on quality whether it is regarding designing or printing. Let’s our creative graphics team give you the vision you are waiting for. Our graphics team create high quality graphics from initial concept to the last stage. Creating a logo from rough sketch, updating an existing brand or working with an established one, our visualizers well versed in design and concept for single project to long term.

    Enough Talk, Let's Build Something Together